
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Silent Hill Amnion Talos Conversion

*AHEM* - Mr_Pink

This post could also be called "Kiss of the Spider Lady", or "Kiss of the Pregnant Spider Lady", as she's become known to my friends. Also, this is kind of like Flesh Friday, except I haven't done that in a while, so I figured it's worth posting early ^_^


I took on a commission earlier this year for another member of the Dark City forum. At the time I was presented with the following sketch of the Amnion boss from the Silent Hill Homecoming video game as inspiration for a Talos, and I thought "I could scratchbuild that..."

Famous last words.

At the time, the model seemed pretty simple: some bare-boned legs, a sculpted body, some push rods all round. Easy peasy.

Now, months later, I've realized that I bit off more than I'd expected (particularly with the bits involving all those finicky bits of green wire), but I'm happy to say that I've now finished my FIRST EVER, 100% scratch-built model!

THAT feels pretty good.

The model involved a lot of whittling of plasticard, for the creature's clawed feet, as well as for its halo/crown of spikes.

It involved the finicky assembly of six posable legs: well as the far more finicky sizing and cutting and bending of green floral wire than I'd like to think about, as well as a little magic to give the illusion that the green push rods extended, unbroken, through each of the legs/arms.

It also involved the scratch sculpting of breasts and a passably-human face, neither of which I'd ever done before.

And then, of course, I had to put all of that together:

In the end she didn't wind up as a carbon copy of the sketch that inspired her, but I'm happy with the end result, particularly since, as I noted, She's the first thing I've made, pretty much 100% from scratch. YAY.

Here's hoping her final owner will love her as much. One thing's for sure, though: he's actually going to paint her, which should be great to see when she's done.

Finally, here's an animation of a 360 tour of the final model. I created it through Google Photos, so I'm not sure if it's going to play nicely with every browser/device. Here's hoping it works:

One of the things I'm most happy about with the completion of the Pregnant Spider Lady is that I can now get back to my own projects without having the cloud of responsibility hanging over me...

...that is until I receive my next commission ;)

What do you folks think of her?


  1. Wow that is bloody fantastic! If the intended does not want it I will have it off you :)

    Welcome back btw. Great to see your modelling skills on show again :)

  2. You win a billion points for actually proper sculpting breasts with gravity effecting them. This is utterly brilliant work !

  3. So Inspiring! Love your work 😄

  4. @NafNaf thanks man, but, unfortunately for you, it has already been shipped out to the happy recipient :P

    Also, probably not best to welcome me back until I've posted a few new projects ;)

    @Greg LMAO. Thanks man. They're the first I've ever sculpted, so that's probably beginners luck. BrotherPink has already criticized them for having puffy nipples.

    @Per Johansson THANK YOU! I'm always happy to inspire as I get so much inspiration from the community :D

  5. Brilliant. Please post a pic when she's painted so we can see her in all her glory

    1. Sure thing, Monkeychuka! I just received confirmation that she arrived in blighty in one piece, and the commissioner is very pleased with the finished model. I, too, can't wait to see him put some paint to her.

  6. wow, great sculpting and scratchbuilding. i really like how you tackled the moveable limbs. cool idea, but it must have been an pain "somewhere" to assemble all those little bits.


    1. hrld. You aren't kidding. The limbs were probably the worst, and I don't think I ever would have finished them if it weren't for Brother Pink poking me in the ribs, demanding that I make some progress on them.

      But the moveability was definitely helpful when it came to posing them. Once I had a pose I liked, I just needed to slop some super glue into the joint, and VOILA!

      Thanks for the praise, and I'm glad you like the model :)
