
Thursday, July 27, 2017

How To Sculpt Miniatures: Video Tutorial 3 - Skills & Applications

For the third How To Sculpt Miniatures video, we're going to be combining what we covered in videos 1 and 2 by applying different tools to putty to see the effects they create.

Once again, these first three videos will rehash the information I shared in my original How to Sculpt Miniatures posts, which is best geared at sculpting beginners. However, even experts may discover some helpful tips :)

With this one posted, we've finished covering the first three articles, so next time I'll be sharing a re-do of the shakey-cam How To Sculpt Spinal Columns video I did back in the day.

As always, please let me know in the comments below if you have ideas for things you would like to learn to sculpt in a video.

> Next: How to Sculpt Miniatures: Video Tutorial 4 - How to Sculpt Spinal Columns
< Previous: How to Sculpt Miniatures: Video Tutorial 2 - Putty

Saturday, July 15, 2017

How To Sculpt Miniatures: Video Tutorial 2 - Putty

Next up in my series of How To Sculpt Miniatures videos: how to use epoxy putty!

These first three videos will rehash the information I shared in my original How to Sculpt Miniatures posts, which is best geared at sculpting beginners. However, even experts may discover some helpful tips :)

Once we've got the first three videos taken care of, we'll move into new territory, like sculpting armour plates, stitches and sutures, and spinal columns. I've also been rolling around the idea of doing a tutorial on sculpting nurgle-y things like worms, pustules, gross drippy stuff, and third eyes. Anyone interested in that sort of thing?

As always, please let me know in the comments below if you have ideas for things you would like to learn to sculpt in a video.

> Next: How to Sculpt Miniatures: Video Tutorial 3 - Skills & Applications
< Previous: How to Sculpt Miniatures: Video Tutorial 1 - Tools

Friday, July 07, 2017

How To Sculpt Miniatures: Video Tutorial 1 - Tools

Here's the first tutorial in my new series of How To Sculpt Miniatures videos!

The first three videos will rehash the information I shared in my original How to Sculpt Miniatures posts, and then we'll move into new territory, like sculpting armour plates, stitches and sutures, and I'll return to sculpting spinal columns with a proper, non-shakey-cam video.

As always, please let me know in the comments below if you have ideas for things you would like to learn to sculpt in a video.

> Next: How to Sculpt Miniatures Video Tutorial 2: Putty
< Previous: How to Sculpt Miniatures 6: How to Sculpt Hoods

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Mr Pink's Inner Circle Interview with Games Workshop

As part of the champion's weekend for Games Workshop's Inner Circle competition, each of the five winners was interviewed by GW staff. They asked us about our history in the hobby, as well as about the concept behind our armies.

You can watch my interview below, and the interviews with the other 4 winners will be posted on the Games Workshop Inner Circle Facebook page.