
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Dr Tabletop Drop Top Review (hobby stream)

 For this week's WIP Wednesday hobby stream, I start off with a review of the Dr. Tabletop Drop Top, which was created as part of a kickstarter to convert citadel paint pots into dropper bottles. As a long-time proponent of transferring my citadel paint to dropper bottles, I was interested to see how these new Drop Tops would measure up to the old standard of just transferring paint, both in terms of ease of use and cost.

Once I get through messing around with that on the video, I get to more sculpting on my #DominaNid3 Tyranid Dominatrix project, doing some more work on one of its arms.


  1. You made the same mistake I did on my first one. I just bought some of the Dr. Tabletop droppers right after some regular droppers arrived in the mail. You don't need a tool to pop the lid off of the GW paint. Just open the GW paint, hold the pot firmly while applying steady pressure, and slowly peel it up and off and then snap the new drop top on. I've done six of them in a couple of minutes (paint and shades). I was concerned that the shades would poor out but they don't.

  2. Ok, sure, but the issue I had with these was the crappy build that caused them to clog... And then the fact that Dr. Tabletop wanted us to pay to replace their defective product.

    I still would recommend repotting to dropper bottles over buying these.

  3. These droppers are just horrible. Dried up all of my paints. Go check out the comments for their Kickstarter. Many are having this problem. Avoid this item at all costs. It's just garbage. You'll thank me.

    1. Yep! That's pretty much what I say in the review in this video, and I'm one of the ones leaving those comments on the Kickstarter. Not sure if you saw the part where the creator was like "Hey, we found out we screwed up with our product, and we'll give you replacements, but you gotta pay for shipping." And then the shipping cost was exorbitant for something so small you could slap in an envelope and send out as a letter.
